1 in 9 neighbors in Southwest Virginia are food insecure.
1 in 8 children in Southwest Virginia are food insecure.
That’s 129,580 neighbors who lack access to the food they need to lead active, healthy lives.

Sadly, our region faces high rates of food insecurity. While the statewide food insecurity rate is 8.1%, many of our communities, rural and urban, in SW Virginia face much higher food insecurity rates. In the 26 counties and nine cities we serve, the food insecurity rate is as high as 18.8%( in Norton City) and the child food insecurity rate is as high at 24.8%(in Buchanan County). Hunger is a painful reality for thousands of our neighbors in SW Virginia.

Households that are food insecure make difficult decisions day after day, such as choosing between food and other necessities, like medicine, electricity, and rent. In addition to poor nutrition, these stressful decisions compound to negatively affect neighbors’ health and wellness. Feeding America reports that children who are food insecure are more likely to repeat a grade in elementary school, experience developmental impairments, and have more social and behavioral problems.

Addressing food insecurity is critical to creating healthier communities in Southwest Virginia.

What we’re doing to help

  • Over 400 partner feeding programs, including 266 agency pantries, help us reach every corner of our 12,400 sq. mile region.
  • Our Mobile Programs, including our Mobile Marketplace and Mobil Food Pantry, serve rural and underserved communities to help fill in gaps of access to nutritious food.
  • 18.4 million pounds of food distributed across our service region in FY 22-23.
  • On average, 103,000 neighbors are served each month with charitable food assistance.
  • In summer of 2023, 161,901 meals were served to hungry children in our service region.