Our strategic plan

For 42 years, Feeding Southwest Virginia has been serving our neighbors in Southwest Virginia. These years brought changes in our region, ebb and flow in the economy, natural disasters, and even a pandemic. Through it all, we’ve been there providing meals to our neighbors. Our work has always been constant: to provide food for our neighbors.

With more than four decades behind us, we also see an opportunity to look to the future. Times have changed, and so have we. We have more innovative programs than ever, and we are reaching every corner of our region to empower our neighbors for active, healthy lives. Our mission today is bigger than feeding our neighbors, we’re nourishing our neighbors and creating a better future.

This is why we completed an in-depth strategic planning and capacity assessment that provided an opportunity for us to shape the next chapter. Feeding Southwest Virginia’s strategic plan serves as our guiding light, illuminating our next steps in addressing food insecurity in Southwest Virginia. Our FY2023-FY2026 strategic plan is leading us forward.

Our mission

Nourish neighbors. Engage community partners. Develop solutions to address food insecurity.

Our guiding principles

We believe access to nutritious food is a cornerstone to human potential.

We succeed by engaging our communities.

We embrace diversity of thought, programs, and people.

We understand that as the needs of our neighbors evolve, so must we.

Our core values

Trust: Trust is a firm belief in the reliability, ability, or strength of a person or organization. We seek to build and maintain trust in all our relationships by practicing honesty, treating one another with dignity, and exhibiting professionalism.

Effectiveness: Effectiveness is the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result. We achieve our mission by utilizing best practices, working efficiently, and consistently striving to achieve and exceed goals.

Innovation: Innovation is the act of making changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products. Every day we seek creative solutions, encourage curiosity, and learn from our mistakes to solve problems and better meet the evolving needs of our neighbors.

Equity: Equity is the practice of being fair and impartial, free from bias or favoritism, and not unduly benefiting one person or group more than another. We recognize we do not all start from the same place and that we must develop solutions that do not perpetuate, but rather will help overcome, these imbalances.