Food Changes Everything


A stock portfolio can be a valuable asset but may carry substantial capital gains tax. One way to achieve your financial and philanthropic goals might include donating appreciated stock and securities directly to Feeding Southwest Virginia. Feeding Southwest Virginia Food Bank works with Charles Schwab & Co. to process stock donations. Your gift value for tax purposes will be recognized as the average of the high and low trading price on the date of the gift transfer.

Your stock donation will be used to support many feeding programs and food distribution efforts in SW Virginia.

Feeding Southwest Virginia Stock Transfer Information
Charles Schwab & Co.

Tax ID # 54-1939556

For The Account # and DTC #, please contact Lisa Claytor, Chief Development Officer

540 342 3011 x7034


If you are 70 1/2 years old or older, you can take advantage of a simple way to benefit Feeding Southwest Virginia and receive tax benefits. You can give up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as ours without having to pay income tax on the donation. This popular gift option is commonly called the IRA Charitable Rollover, or QCD for short. The IRA Charitable Rollover has proven to be very popular and effective for donors, allowing them to give directly to the food bank without first having to recognize the distribution as income.

Harness The Power Of A Donor-Advised Fund

Donor-advised funds (DAFs) are a smart way to manage your philanthropy. DAFs are created by transferring a variety of assets to a commercial or community DAF provider, which can provide tax relief. Then, overtime, you can recommend grants to charities like Feeding Southwest Virginia at your choosing.

Legacy Giving

By including Feeding Southwest Virginia in your estate plans, you will be investing in our community. Your kind donation will help to feed those in need in the future and help to build a healthy Southwest Virginia community. Smart estate planning can protect your and your family’s financial future while also supporting your philanthropic goals. Need to create a will? Click here to write a free, legally valid will in 20 minutes or less.

Create a lasting legacy in reducing food insecurity in SW Virginia. Consider including Feeding Southwest Virginia Food Bank in your estate plans.

Contact Lisa Claytor, Chief Development Officer for more information. 540 342 3011 ext 7034